This document is intended to clearly define the expectations you must meet in order to receive credit for a missed chapel. As noted in the chapel attendance policy, students who wish to forego the fine can choose to write a two-page reflection paper for up to two chapel credits that they are short of the minimum attendance requirement.
Paper Overview:
Think of your paper as an essay with 5-7 paragraphs that includes a summary of the speaker′s message and your reflection on that message. Use the first paragraph to introduce the topic, giving the main idea and three supporting points. Use the next three paragraphs to further develop each of the three points. To develop a paragraph, you may tell how each point related to the scripture for the day, you may recount an example or illustration that the speaker used to support the point, or you may further explain that point in your own words.
If these options are not appropriate for the particular message, think of your three paragraphs as the beginning, middle, and end of the message, and thus, a summary.
The final paragraph(s) should reflect your own thoughts on the message as to its significance in your own life.
Use the following questions to guide your thoughts.
Remember: the purpose of this paper is to convince your reader that you heard and understood the message. You must present the main idea clearly, support that idea with explanatory evidence, and relate the message to your own life.
Additional Requirements:
* NOTE: Your paper will be evaluated on the criteria above as well as content.