The Geneva College core provides the framework for a student’s education. The core curriculum is rooted in the Foundational Concepts of Christian Education and helps to achieve the college’s aims and college outcomes by providing a common core of liberal studies intended to promote growth in the student’s knowledge, skills, understanding and attitude. The first five institutional student learning outcomes are also designated as outcomes of the core.
The parts of the core relate to each other in a network of intentional support, application, reinforcement, and development. In a similar way, major programs and electives are designed to reinforce and build upon the skills, knowledge, and perspectives developed in the core. As a result of this total educational experience, students are encouraged to realize and embrace the Biblical concept of servanthood and to recognize their calling as stewards of all that God has granted to their care: their personal lives, their dealings with others, and their treatment of the whole creation. In attitude, understanding, leading and serving, they should exhibit a commitment to honor God.