Vitaliy Saykin
Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2011-August, 2014)
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with Concentration in Structures
- Dissertation Title: “A Validated Approach to Modeling Collapse of Steel Structures”
- Advised by Jerome F. Hajjar, Northeastern University and Junho Song, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2009-2011)
- M.S. in Civil Engineering with Concentration in Structures
- Thesis Title: “Pavement Macrotexture Monitoring through Sound Generated by Tire-Pavement Interaction”
- Advised by Ming L. Wang, Northeastern University
Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2006-2009)
- B.S. in Civil Engineering
Professional Work Experience
Graduate Structural Engineer, Austin, TX (2019-present)
- Residential and commercial projects dealing with new construction, forensics and repair, and renovations.
- Analysis and design of reinforced concrete, hot-rolled and cold-formed steel, masonry, and wood structures in addition to foundations and retaining walls. Projects range from multi-story new construction to small renovations to adaptive reuse.
- Project time management, interacting with clients and perform site visits.
- Documentation of structural deficiencies, failures, and underperformance; their causes and solutions.
Assistant Professor, Civil Engineering Department, Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston, MA (2014-2018)
- Teaching
- Undergraduate: Introduction to Matlab, Statics, Mechanics of Material, Design Projects, Structural Steel Design, Structural Analysis 2, Reinforced Concrete Design, Cap Stone
- Graduate: Engineering Modeling and Analysis Methods
- Research
- Finite element modeling of collapse of steel structures through implementation of fracture mechanics
- Fracture mechanics
- Behavior of steel structures under collapse
- Service
- Student Support and advising, ABET accreditation, Faculty Senate, Steel Bridge, Departmental Committees, ASCE SEI TAD Fatigue and Fracture Committee, University Committees (LIT, COOP), BSCE journal review committee
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2011-2014)
- Experience in Teaching Structural Engineering Courses
- Taught Structural Analysis 1 Recitation (which also covered Strength of Materials)
- Teaching Assistant for Structural Analysis 2, Behavior of Concrete Structures, Advanced Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, Advanced Bridge Design
- Taught structural review sessions for students taking Fundamentals of Engineering Examination
- Supervised undergraduate concrete canoe competition
Graduate Research Assistant, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2011-2014)
- Nonlinear continuum finite element modeling of steel structures
- Implemented ductile fracture mechanics in finite element for collapse modeling
- Studied the effect of triaxiality as an influential parameter for ductile fracture occurrence in steel structures
- Primary authorship of papers in conference and peer-reviewed journals (in progress)
Graduate Research Assistant, Northeastern University, Boston, MA (2009-2011)
- Investigated the prediction of pavement macrotexture through sound generated by tire-pavement interaction
- Sensor selection, installation, calibration, validation
- Presentation of research at Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference (June, 2011)
- Assisted in organizing EMI 2011 conference
- Primary authorship of paper in Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Intern, DN Tanks (formerly Natgun Corporation), Wakefield, MA (2007-2009)
- Developed preliminary (bid), final, and fabrication drawings
- Performed design calculations, material takeoffs, specifications
Other Work Experience
- Tutored math, drafting, and engineering courses privately at Springfield Technical Community College
Licensure and Professional Memberships/Activities
- Member. American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE)
- Member. ASCE Structural Engineering Institute Technical Activities Division Fatigue and Fracture Committee
- ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering Paper reviewer
- Member. Structural Engineers Association of Massachusetts (SEAMASS)
- Member. Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section (BSCES)
- Licensure.Engineering in Training, EIT (2009)
- Chi Epsilon (December 2007)
Selected Awards
2015 SAGAN Faculty Fund WIT Grant Award (25k)
- Fatigue Tests and Data Analysis of Metal Components Under Different Stress Levels with Stress Concentrations” by Xiaobin Le, Richard Roberts, and Vitaliy Saykin
2011 ASCE EMI Student Poster Award
- Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference , Boston, Massachusetts, June 4th, 2011
2008 Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grant
Software Proficiency
- MS Office • AutoCAD • Revit • ABAQUS • SAP2000 • RISA • Matlab • Python • C++ • SQL
Foreign Language Proficiency
Selected Refereed Publications
- Saykin, Vitaliy V., Nguyen, T., Deniz, D., Hajjar, J. F. , Song, J. (2017). “The effect of triaxiality on finite element deletion strategies for simulating collapse of full-scale steel structures,” Engineering Structures, 210, 110364, May 1, 2020
- Saykin, Vitaliy V., Nguyen, T., Deniz, D., Hajjar, J. F. , Song, J. (2017). “Material Characterization Using Finite Element Deletion Strategies for Collapse Modeling of Steel Structures,” Engineering Structures, 147, 125-133, September 15, 2017
- Saykin, V. V., Zhang, Y., Cao, Y., Wang, M., and McDaniel, J. (2013). “Pavement Macrotexture Monitoring through Sound Generated by a Tire-Pavement Interaction” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, SPECIAL ISSUE: Experimental Methods in Damage Detection and Wind Engineering, Vol. 139, pp. 264-271.
Selected Conference Publications
- Deniz, D., Saykin, V. V., Nguyen, T., Song, J., Hajjar, J. F. (2014). “Collapse Prediction of Steel Structures,” Proceedings of the 2015 Structural Engineering Frontier Conference, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan, March 18-19, 2015
- Saykin, V. V., Nguyen, T., Hajjar, J. F., Deniz, D., Song, J. (2014). “Validation of a Finite Element Approach for Modeling of Structural Collapse of Steel Structures,” Proceedings of the 2014 Structures Congress, Boston, Massachusetts, April 3-5, 2014, ASCE, Reston Virginia
Ph.D. Dissertation
- Saykin, V. V. (2014). “A Validated Approach for Modeling Collapse of Steel Structures,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
Selected Reviewed Publications
- Peer-reviewed paper “Rebar Anchorage Slip Macro Model Considering Bond Stress Distribution” submitted for Engineering Structures 2017
- Peer-reviewed paper “Dynamic Increase Factor for Progressive Collapse Analysis of Steel Frames with Semi-Rigid Connections” submitted for Engineering Structures 2017
- Peer-reviewed paper “Collapse Resistance of Steel Columns under Combined Axial and Lateral Loading” submitted for Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE 2015